Allergic asthma in adults, especially in the morning and recurrent, persistent cough attacks that do not last for 1 month make us think of asthma. These complaints are accompanied by shortness of breath, chest tightness, wheezing. These complaints impair the quality of life and cause loss of workforce. In this article, we have written for you the allergic symptoms that occur in adult patients.
Allergic Asthma Complaints in Adults
Allergic asthma in adults is characterized by persistent, persistent coughing attacks lasting more than 3 weeks, chest tightness, wheezing, and shortness of breath that develop especially at night and show repetitive features.
Shortness of breath, which is the most important complaint of allergic asthma, comes in attacks and it is typical for the patient to wake up, especially at night. The patient generally does not have shortness of breath between attacks. Some of the patients can continue their normal lives during the day as the complaints of shortness of breath decrease and disappear. However, in many of them, shortness of breath may become permanent and disrupt the patient’s quality of life, causing constant awakening at night, loss of work force, emergency applications, and hospitalizations.
What Happens If Allergic Asthma in Adults Is Not Treated?
The most important part of the patients diagnosed with allergic asthma after the actual diagnosis is treatment. Treatment steps, which include long and various drug treatments and vaccine treatment, are very important for the patient. If allergic asthma is not treated, frequent coughing and shortness of breath will increase. Sputum cannot be extracted. As a result, pneumonia may develop. It can cause permanent damage to the lungs as a result of frequent recurrent pneumonia attacks. Unfortunately, untreated allergic asthma does not stay the same, progresses further and becomes difficult-to-treat asthma. However, due to asthma attacks, frequent hospitalizations may be required in the emergency departments of hospitals.
Permanent Damage to the Lungs May Develop If Allergic Asthma Is Not Treated
This disease, which can start with allergic rhinitis, that is, nasal discharge, congestion complaints, and turn into allergic asthma, develops permanent damage to the bronchi if it is not treated later. As a result, more difficult-to-treat asthma develops, which will last a lifetime.
High-Dose Medications May Be Required If Allergic Asthma Is Untreated
If allergic asthma is not treated, frequent coughing and shortness of breath develop. In the winter months, it increases more frequently and has to be hospitalized. They become asthma that is more difficult to treat and unresponsive to many drugs, which we later refer to as difficult asthma.
As a result;
- If allergic asthma is not treated, pneumonia can develop.
- If allergic asthma is not treated, permanent damage to the lungs develops.
- If allergic asthma is not treated, high doses of drugs and antibiotics may be needed.
- If allergic asthma is not treated, it can turn into difficult asthma, which is more difficult to treat in the future, which does not respond to high-dose drugs.