Eczema is one of the most common allergic skin diseases that can be seen in children and adults. Although genetics is the most important cause, environmental factors and food allergies can also cause eczema. Is eczema contagious? We wrote this article to answer this question.

Causes of eczema

When we look at the causes of eczema, genetics is the most important reason. If there is an allergic disease in the mother or father in the family, the risk of having it in the child is very high. The risk of eczema is also high in children of mothers or fathers with eczema, especially those with dry skin. This transition happens with genes. Defects in the genetic structure of the skin, shampoos used, woolen clothes can trigger food allergies as well.

Eczema is not a contagious disease

The best answer to the question of whether eczema is contagious is definitely not contagious. Because eczema is not a contagious disease. It can be passed from family to child through genes, but it is not transmitted through contact. Therefore, you should not be afraid of eczema. However, children with eczema have high pH values because their skin is very dry. This causes microbes to settle on the skin easily. Especially staphylococcal and fungal infections settle on the skin very easily. As a result, infected skin with eczema can transmit germs by contact with others. However, it cannot cause eczema transmission. An infected skin with eczema can only transmit a staphylococcal and fungal infection to another person.

How do we know that eczema is not contagious?

If eczema was contagious, another child who came into contact with a child with eczema would have developed eczema as well. Therefore, eczema is not a contagious disease, but a genetic disease. It can be inherited by genes. However, staphylococcal and fungal infections can be passed from one infected child with eczema to another child.

Eczema is the starting point of allergic diseases.

A child with eczema has a high risk of developing asthma and allergic rhinitis in the future. For this reason, children with eczema should take precautions to prevent the development of asthma and allergic rhinitis in the future.

As a result

It is a genetic disease and is passed on from family to child through genes.

It is not a contagious disease.

Eczema skin is prone to germ infestation, and it may be possible to transmit germs by contacting an infected skin with eczema.