How does asthma go? Asthma; It is a chronic disease that obstructs the airways and makes breathing difficult. It is a controllable disease. Although there is no direct cure for asthma, it is possible to control asthma and reduce complaints. Asthma is a condition that can have very serious consequences if left untreated. Therefore; It is very important not to disrupt the regular medical examination and treatment.

So How Can Asthma Complaints Be Reduced?

How does asthma go? Asthma is called the increased sensitivity of the airways to many different agents. Among these agents; There are factors such as respiratory tract infections, pollutant factors (polluted air, cigarette smoke, etc.), allergens in the air (animal hair, dust, pollen and mold) and exercising in a cold and dry environment. These agents, also called triggers; It causes an inflammatory reaction in the airways, resulting in common symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, increased mucus production, and shortness of breath. Successful control of asthma requires controlling inflammation in the airways and reversing symptoms before it gets out of control.

Avoid These Triggers!

The greatest progress in controlling asthma is possible with doctor follow-up. It is very important to use the medications given by the doctor and not deviate from the treatment plan. However, patients; It can help minimize respiratory tract inflammation by preventing known triggers in the environment, such as cigarette smoke, dust mites, cockroach antigens, and discomfort caused by warm-blooded pets such as cats and dogs. Asthma patients; They should not be exposed to heavily smoky and perfumed environments. Improving the living conditions as much as possible, living in a place with cleaner air if possible; It will reduce their complaints.

Narrow, energy efficient, compressed air heated or carpeted houses; It causes worsening of symptoms in patients with high levels of asthma. For this reason, living in spacious houses with little furniture and not too much dust will contribute to their general health. Another effective strategy to prevent inflammation may be the rescheduling of your treatment during those periods, in consultation with your physician, especially when triggering factors are intense, such as the spring months.

When the necessary conditions and treatment are provided, asthma will not affect your life very much. Asthma can be controlled, as long as you do not be late for treatment.