Allergic diseases are increasing with the autumn months. Despite the end of summer and spring, some complains are continued and even intensified as especially exceeding cough, nasal congestion, postnasal drip. As the reason for this can be shown that increasing of moulds, house dust and weed pollen such as ragweed in autumn.

The annoying allergic complaints of pollen in the spring have taken on fungi in the fall. Not only fungi, but also house dust and pollen that caused by ragweed lead to an increase of allergic complaints.

Allergic rhinitis that shows itself with nasal pruritus, nasal discharge, nasal obstruction and sneezing may be confused with seasonal flu which is caused by cooling of the air and increasing of flu epidemic with the arrival of autumn. Seasonal flu can aggravate allergic rhinitis complaints as well as it can cause severe asthma attacks.

Spending more time in indoors, drying laundry in the room and using humidifying devices that can lead to moisture can also increase allergic rhinitis complaints in autumn.

What are the causes of allergy in the fall?

The rainfall and the fall of leaves are very romantic in autumn. On the other hand, fungus is an increasing period in autumn. Fall may mean nasal discharge, sneezing, redness and itchiness in the eyes, shortness of breath, cough, sleepless nights, and fatigue that continues throughout the day for allergic rhinitis and asthmatic patients. Funguses spread anywhere by putrefaction of plants is the most important reason for the increase of allergic complaints in the fall.

Complaints that occur due to weed and tree pollens in spring are shown itself that the increase of weed pollen such as ragweed which begins to give pollen in the autumn, especially in September and October. Weed pollen may cause an increase in allergic rhinitis and asthma complaints. Also, people with pollen allergies may be have complaints such as sensitivity to food like banana, melon and zucchini, pruritus in the mouth, redness and swelling in the body.

It is well known fact that complaints which is related to house dust increase during the transitional periods of autumn and spring. It is important to remember that house dust allergy may lead to an increase of complaints in the autumn. It might be seen that an increase in complaints due to proliferation of house dusts with increased humidity in the air. It is necessary that people with dust allergy should take their precautions and use their drugs regularly in these months.

What are the symptoms of autumn allergies?

It can be easily seen that complains increase about house dust and mould allergies in children with especially not only opening of school but also people spend more time at home with the end of summer.

Nasal discharge

Watery and itchy red eyes



Itchy and swollen nose

Dark circles under the eyes indicate that allergic complaints have begun.

Cough may be the first symptom of allergic in autumn. Therefore, if patients have persistent coughs and these coughs appear every spring and fall, they should consider the possibility of allergies. In addition, seasonal flu epidemic in the autumn may also lead to exacerbation of allergic complaints. Seasonal flu epidemic may cause cough complaints and asthma attacks. People may be hospitalization depends on both symptoms. If there is loss of sense of smell, yellow green discharge, unilateral nasal obstruction and these symptoms lead to a serious high fever, people should consider an infection.

How can be diagnosed of autumn allergy?

Complaints such as nasal discharge, itching, obstruction, sneezing, watering in the eyes, coughing and shortness of breath in the autumn are symptoms of allergic rhinitis and asthma.

Allergic rhinitis is a serious health problem that affects the health and social life of people and disturbs their quality of life. Allergic rhinitis does not only remain constant as nasal discharge, nasal itching, blockage and sneezing. Unfortunately, it brings other health problems as well in the coming years. Adults who have symptoms of allergic rhinitis should be taken a good story of patients and done allergy tests for diagnosed of allergic rhinitis.

Firstly, a detailed story is taken by patients for the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis. Autumn allergies usually begin with allergic rhinitis and end with allergic asthma in adult patients. After beginning of complaints is about nasal discharge, obstruction, itching and frequent sneezing; the nasal obstruction usually becomes more significant and starts to breath in through the mouth. It can be shown that children’s adenoid will enlarge due to breathing in through the mouth. Sinusitis, pharyngitis, ear inflammation and feeling of fullness in the ear are added to both complaints of adults and children along with the onset of breathing in the mouth. Cough complaints starts with post nasal drainage. If allergic rhinitis is not treated, asthma begins with complaints of drowsiness, wheezing, breathing and coughing. Early diagnosis of allergic rhinitis is very important. Complaints that start in the autumn may continue throughout the year.

Allergy tests should be done for putting diagnosis of complaints that start in the autumn.

Which tests are done in the diagnosis of autumn allergy?

Some tests are done for the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis in the fall. The most important test is an allergy skin tests. The diagnosis of allergic rhinitis can usually be done after 2-3 years although allergy tests can be done at any age. The skin prick test is generally preferred for the allergy test. Also, blood tests can be preferred in patients who are unable for skin tests. However, skin tests give more accurate results. Respiratory function tests are required for allergic asthma, except for the allergy test.

How is the treatment of autumn allergy?The treatment of autumn allergies has 4 steps; protection and precaution from allergen, drug treatment, allergy vaccination and complementary treatment.

It is important to protect from mould fungi and house dust, especially due to the increase in mould and house dust in the autumn.

Measures to house dust and mould can be listed as follows

Ventilation helps prevent the growth of mould inside, but it is necessary not to ventilate at very windy times in terms of mould and pollen which may enter from the outside. An air filter that can hold mould and dust particles should be used at home.

It is appropriate to try to stay away from places that are crowded, such as piles, leaf piles, wooded areas, in autumn.

A face mask may help if it is not possible to avoid environments with intensive mould.

Kitchen and bathroom cleaning helps reduce fungus.

It is important not to dry your clothes indoors.

It can be appropriate to leave some space between the clothes in the closets and leave the doors slightly open for ventilation.

It is appropriate to close the indoors to keep bathrooms, showers and cooking steam away from other areas.

It is necessary to pay careful attention to the decomposition of foodstuffs in the storage area.

If it is possible you should have less pots or no pots. Replacing the cultivation of plants would be appropriate to prevent the growth of mould if you have a plant.

If possible, humidifiers at home should be avoided. However, if necessary to keep the humidity as low as possible, it is important to use a measure of humidity and temperature at home.

These measures could reduce the growth of allergies in the fall.

It is better to take precautions for seasonal influenza which causes worse allergic complaints, and it should be vaccinated when the time comes. Especially, it is more important for patients with allergic asthma to have flu vaccination.

Medications such as antihistamines, nasal steroids or inhaler steroids, which are necessary to control allergic complaints, should be used regularly. In this way, it can prevent the occurrence of asthma and allergic rhinitis complaints.

Allergy vaccines (immunotherapy) which are the most important step in the treatment of allergic diseases may also prevent allergic complaints. It may be possible to treat allergic patients with allergy vaccinations made by appropriate allergy specialists.


In the autumn months, there may be an increase in nasal discharge, obstruction, itching, sneezing, coughing and shortness of breath depends on the increase of moulds, house dust and pollen.

It is important that people with an allergic structure take influenza vaccinations in the autumn months to take measures to prevent complaints, protect from allergies, regularly use allergy medicines, and avoid seasonal flu.

If complaints of patients who have persistent cough, rhinitis and postnasal drip increase their complaints in every fall, allergy testing should be required by allergy specialists.

Patients with allergies in the fall may be treated with appropriate treatment after being diagnosed with allergy tests without asthma.

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