Food allergy in adults occurs due to the excessive response of the immune system after intake of food. Complaints due to food allergies occur on the immune system over IgE or independently of IgE. Food allergies seen in childhood can occur throughout our lives, and food allergies that occur late in life usually do not go away. Food allergy can cause a life-threatening reaction that can be very serious after ingestion of too little an allergenic food. In this article, we wrote about the symptoms of food allergy.
Food Allergy Complaints in Adults
In food allergy, complaints can manifest themselves differently in many organs of our body. In food allergies, after the intake of the food that is allergic, rash around the mouth, redness on the face or body, itching, eczema symptoms. It can cause more serious life-threatening complaints such as wheezing in the lung, cough, breathlessness, runny nose, nasal congestion, bloody defecation, constipation, vomiting, severe gas pain and allergic shock.
Considering the frequency of complaints in food allergies, according to the organs, the skin and digestive system is the most affected organ, but it also causes various complaints in other systems.
If we look at the complaints on the skin, Urticaria, angioedema, Itching, Redness / Flushing, Atopic dermatitis can be seen.
Symptoms in the digestive system: Tongue, lip and mouth itching and / or edema, Nausea, Vomiting Abdominal pain, Vomiting reflux, Diarrhea.
In the cardiovascular system: Serious life-threatening complaints such as palpitations / tachycardia, dizziness, loss of consciousness / fainting, hypotension can be seen.
Respiratory system: Nasal congestion, itching, discharge, sneezing and hoarseness may be upper respiratory tract complaints such as swelling of the small tongue, laryngeal edema, or more serious cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, chest tightness may be accompanied by asthma complaints.
It can be seen in complaints such as itching, redness, discharge, wax metallic, uterine contraction, and feeling bad.
Food allergies can manifest themselves with various complaints in many systems. Sometimes a urticaria may present with a more severe allergic shock.
Food Allergy Charts in Adults
In the emergence of food allergies, IgE-related early type (Type I) mechanisms on the immune system or delayed type (Type IV) mechanisms that are not associated with IgE are extremely important and various clinical pictures occur. It is also seen in clinical pictures accompanied by these two mechanisms.
Clinical manifestations associated with early type (Type I) immune system in food allergy
Urticaria (hives), Angioedema, morbiliform rash (skin rash), Oral allergy syndrome, acute gastrointestinal spasm, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, acute bronchospasm, dizziness / fainting, food-related exercise-induced anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock.
Clinical manifestations associated with the delayed type (TYPE IV) immune system in food allergy
Contact dermatitis, dermatitis herpetiformis, food protein-induced colitis, proctocolitis and enteropathy syndrome, as well as celiac disease and pulmonary hemosiderosis (heiner syndrome) caused by food proteins in the lung.
Among the clinical pictures caused by both mechanisms are
atopic dermatitis, allergic eosinophilic esophagitis, gastroenteritis and asthma.
It helps to distinguish by which mechanisms food allergies occur, which tests should be performed when making a diagnosis, and what kind of treatment plan we will create.