Diagnosing latex allergy begins with a comprehensive history of past allergic reactions. However, a careful physical examination is performed for examination findings compatible with latex-related allergic reactions. Depending on the history and physical examination results, the diagnosis can be made by performing skin tests, blood tests and, if necessary, latex provocation tests. Therefore, if a latex allergy is suspected, you should go to an experienced allergist who can perform these diagnostic methods as well as evaluate them.
The diagnosis of latex allergy should absolutely be excluded if complaints such as irritation and redness of the hands, itching of the eyes, nose, discharge, itching or shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing occur when exposed to latex-containing products, especially every time they go to work, at the workplace, or in people who have had urticaria or unexplained allergic shock. Appropriate evaluation of healthcare workers, such as those in high-risk groups with these complaints, is important. Because once a latex allergy has started, there is always a high probability of developing more serious reactions later on.
The skin prick test is the most reliable test for determining latex sensitivity.
It is used to demonstrate latex type I (early type) sensitivity in patients with suspected latex allergy diagnosis. It is important to perform skin prick tests, especially in patients who develop complaints immediately after latex contact. Since those with latex allergy may have complaints about fruits, it is important for the patient to look at cross-reactive fruits and vegetables as well as latex allergy.
RAST from blood in latex allergy, etc. Tests measuring specific latex-specific IgE are less reliable.
It has been observed that allergic reactions may develop in latex prick test positive but RAST negative patients. Measurement of specific IgE in serum can be performed in patients who cannot discontinue the drugs that affect the tests, who have extensive skin lesions, who have had a severe reaction to latex, or who have dermographism, but it does not definitively indicate that they are not allergic to latex.
Atopy patch testing has been shown to be useful for skin reactions in patients with skin lesions who complain of contact dermatitis.
The patch test with chemicals in latex is very helpful in the diagnosis of dermatitis, which is thought to be due to latex-containing products. Patch test 48-72. hours are evaluated. In irritant contact dermatitis, the patch test is negative. In contact dermatitis, type IV (late type) allergy to chemicals in latex is detected.
Latex provocation tests may be required to explain the complaints in people with whom we suspect a latex allergy. Provocation tests with latex should be done under the supervision of an allergist, as it can cause very serious reactions.